Monthly Archives: October 2014
What Color Is Your Favorite Deck?

Hearthstone Huddle By now I’m sure you’ve heard (or seen) the comparisons between Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone. Card names…

Destiny’s New “UNDISCLOSED” Earth Location

So when Bungie’s last “Hot Fix” post ended on a cliff hanger, stating that the Fallen where retreating from the Rocket…

Recently Updated; Heavily Influenced

Hearhstone Huddle This week I’m talking about the current meta and whether or not hunter is still viable after the…

Top Legend

Hearthstone Huddle So this is a weekly article involving some personal opinions about Hearthstone. Key word there. Opinions. This week…

Destiny Update 10/7/2014 – Hot Fix & New Crucible Game Type

Destiny gets a new update today (10/7/2014) which includes hot fixes for their servers to help with connection issues and…

You should have heard all of us, bantering names back and forth. Some of my personal favorites, ‘’ or ‘’ were…