A Plague Among Us…

Hearthstone Huddle

Welcome back! I’m covering the meta this week and there’s a plague of machines out there. I’m talking about Mech Mage of course. Much like Cancer Hunter was for the past few months, Mech Mage has taken over the current meta and is not letting go. From my recent experiences at least one in three matches are against this build. It usually consists of cheap mechs fueled by Mechwarper, followed by some other mechs and cards that give you spare parts cards. Then, they play Archmage Antonidas and a couple of these cheap spells and fill their hands with fireballs. Each fireball creates another one if he’s on the board and not taken care of immediately. There are different variations of this deck. Not all builds have Archmage but most do include Dr. Boom as he spawns two little mechs himself. I myself, play a build of Mech Mage but mostly just for daily quests and not laddering. I’ve not found anything that completely counters this deck but I am avidly looking.

So I thought I’d take the rest of the article to tell you about myself. I’m sure you’re wondering who I am and what makes me an expert. I’d answer you nothing makes me an expert but a skilled gamer from years of practice. I started playing Magic the Gathering 18 years ago and have been playing video games for 27 years. I competed in many Magic tournaments and won a few. I played the first 3 Magic games for the Xbox 360 before I found Hearthstone. Myself and a fellow member of this site spent hundreds of hours dominating in 2 headed giant mode on the 2013 edition. As far as Hearthstone goes, I’ve been competitively laddering for almost a year. My highest rank has been three but I’m actively chasing legend and I feel I would be there already if not for time constraints (new baby). No excuses though, I’m going to make it happen.

That’s it for this week. As always, thanks for reading. Enjoy!

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