New Cards Are Fun!

Hearthstone Huddle

The new set is here! If you haven’t tried Goblins vs Gnomes yet, what are you waiting for? So far, I am very pleased with the new set. It’s added a ton of variety and shaken up the meta quite a bit. Today I’m going over some cards that have really stood out to me. These don’t have to be the best cards just cards that I think can make a difference. As always, I’m giving you a card from each class and five from the generic set.

Druid. Druid of the Fang. A 4/4 for five that transforms into a 7/7 if you control a beast. This card is ok on cost for 5 mana but for a 7/7 it is excellent. The set also added some beasts in the Druid class as well so it won’t be a big stretch to have some on the board.

Hunter. Steamwheedle Sniper. It’s a 2/3 for 2 so cost is good. It also allows your Hunter hero power to target creatures. That was the lone flaw of the Hunter hero power and this card fixes that.

Mage. Flame Cannon. A spell for two mana that deals four damage to a random enemy minion. The random effect is kinda bad but if they only have one creature…

Paladin. Scarlet Crusader. A 4/3 for four, it deals two damage to all creatures with deathrattle. Now with the raw power of Undertaker this card helps paladin a lot.

Priest. Velen’s Chosen. A spell for three mana, it gives a minion +2/+4 and spell damage +1. That’s a lot of boost for just three mana. Will make a Northshire Cleric into a huge creature on turn two with the coin.

Rogue. Iron Sensei. It’s a 2/2 for three so not good on curve but it gives another friendly mech +2/+2 at the end of your turn. That’s a great card to boost some low costing mechs and really gain an advantage.

Shaman. Crackle. This spell costs two and deals 3-6 damage with overload 1. It’s great spell for the shaman to really take out big creatures or delivery the finishing touches to the opponent. Three damage for two mana isn’t great but six damage is amazing.

Warlock. Dark Bomb. I know. It’s not flashy but 3 damage for two mana was desperately needed for the warlock as Soulfire was just nerfed to one mana instead of zero. Since this card is boring, Mal’Ganis is a great card too. It’s a 9/7 for nine that gives all your demons +2/+2 and your hero is immune.

Warrior. Bouncing Blade. A spell for three mana, it deals one damage to a random minion, but you repeat this process until a minion dies. So if the enemy has only one minion…


Mechwarper. A 2/3 for two mana that makes all your other mechs cost one less. This may be the best card of the whole set. It’s that good.

Lil Exorcist. It’s a 2/3 for three with taunt. It also has battlecry and when it comes into play it gets +1/+1 for each deathrattle minion on the board. Another huge card against Undertaker decks.

Mechanical Yeti. A 4/5 for four just like its cousin but it comes with a deathrattle ability that gives both players a spare part. Pretty solid card for four mana.

Toshley. It’s a 5/7 for 6 so great on cost. It also has a deathrattle and battlecry ability to add a spare part to your hand. That’s a big creature with two abilities that are both good for a great cost.

Recombobulator. A 3/2 for two mana that transforms a friendly minion into a random minion with the same cost. This is a fun card to play around with. It’s great in handlock decks because you can flip you damaged minions for new healthy versions.

That wraps up this week. Hope you are enjoying the new set and as always thanks for reading.

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