Black Rock Maountain: More To Come

Hearthstone Huddle

Welcome Back! There’s been some more Black Rock Mountain activity since last week. This week there’s five new cards to cover so that’s exactly what I’m doing.


Dragon Egg. Neutral Rare. A 0/2 for 1, it reads when is minion takes damage summon a 2/1 whelp. This card will see use but I just don’t know how much. A 2/1 is ok but easily dealt with by most classes and the most you’ll get is two of them without a buff.


Dragonskin Sorcerer. Neutral common. A 3/5 for 4 that reads when you target this minion with a spell it gets +1/+1. It seems like a nice card and will fit nicely into a priest deck with cards like Power Word: Shield and Velen’s Chosen.


Flamewalker. Mage Rare. A 2/4 for 3 mana, it deals two damage randomly split between all enemies each time you cast a spell. Considering its a Mage card and how many spells they cast, this card could see heavy play. It will go great with Unstable Portal ans Frostbolt.



Corerager. Hunter Rare. A 4/4 for 4, it has Battlecry and reads if your hand is empty, gain +3/+3. That’s huge. A 7/7 for four will fit perfectly in face hunter whose hands could be empty at any time. I think this card will see heavy play.


Imp Gang Boss. Warlock Common. A 2/4 for 3, it reads, whenever this minion takes damage, summon a 1/1 Imp. Much like the rest of the set so far, this card deals damage or creates life after taking damage. I can see this card being played in midrange demon decks with Implosion and Mal’Ginis buffing all those.

Well that’s it to this week. Next week we’ll cover whatever news may have happened throughout the week. As always, thanks for reading!

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