Hearthstone Huddle
Welcome back! This week I’m gonna give you a few decks that I’ve used to ladder but don’t cost an arm and a leg. I’ve picked five decks for you, only leaving out warlock, because most everyone has a cheap zoo build and priest and warrior as those classes don’t seem to have viable cheap deck options at the moment. I’m including links for each decks which contain explanations for each one and some feedback from other players.
Druid. Ramp Druid. A popular build for Druid, this one contains cheap options for those that don’t have all the expensive options. This version costs a mere 2440.
Hunter. Cancer build. This version is a slightly cheaper edition than the normal version. It features combos with Knife Juggler, Snake Trap and Unleash The Hounds, in addition to the undertaker and deathrattle minions. This is the cheapest of the decks costing only 1440.
Mage. Mech Mage. A very popular build from the release, this one is similar but not Archmage Antonidas. This deck features tons of mechs with some spell removal as well. A couple of legends show up but If you have Naxx you have Loatheb and the other is Dr. Boom which can be replaced with any big body. This deck costs only 2800.
Paladin. Rattle/Mech. This aggro build features the popular undertaker combo with deathrattle minions, along with some card draw abilities to keep you hand full. This deck costs only 2820.
Rogue. Tempo Mech. This build features all the big names from the mech tree along with some cheap rogue removal spells to help keep the board clean. Costing only 1300, most players should have or be able to craft all these cards easily.
So that’s it for this week. Join me next week for some arena minions talk. Thanks for reading!