Hearthstone Huddle
This is for all you new people…
So this week I’m discussing some cards that should not be used by by people new to the game. I’ve scoured through all the cards of the basic set and I’m going tell you five cards from the generic set and one card from each set NOT to use. These cards are of no use to you and will not help you win games.
Generic set
1. Magma Rager. A 5/1 for 3 passes the cost test, but that’s about all it does. One defense is as bad as it gets and as you unlock cards you will quickly find it is the worst card in the game.
2. Silverback Patriarch. He’s a 1/4 for 3 so he does not pass the cost test. He has taunt, which is decent, but he’s expensive and is easily killed.
3. Booty Bay Bodyguard. A 5/4 for 5 is ok for the cost and the only reason is its harder to get good cost efficiency out of high cost creatures. He also has taunt which is good. So why the low rating? 4 defense for a taunt character is nothing. This card will be killed over and over again by lower cost minions.
4. Core Hound. A 9/5 for 7 passes the cost test but 5 health is awful for a creature that big. It’s also subject to priest kill cards with such a high attack.
5. Lord of the Arena. It’s a 6/5 for 6 so ok on cost but just like the Booty Bay Bodyguard it has taunt with a small defense. You want your taunt guys to have a high defense so they can soak up more damage.
Class cards.
Druid – Moonfire. 1 damage for 0 is just taking up space a good creature could be filling.
Hunter – Starving Buzzard. This card used to be the staple of all Hunter decks but since the nerf you can’t combo it with Unleash The Hounds until turn eight. By that time one of you is probably dead already.
Mage – Frost Nova. A highly situational card used to freeze all enemy minions for 1 turn. Most of the time you won’t have the answer next turn so not very useful in my opinion.
Paladin – Light’s Justice. One of two weapons for the paladin, one attack with four charges is not very good. After turn two you won’t be able to kill much with it.
Priest – Mind Vision. For one mana you get a spell that copies a card from your opponent’s hand. Could be good. Could be terrible. Not worth it. There are creatures that are better for one mana.
Rogue – Vanish. So for six mana you get to return ALL minions to their owner’s hands. That’s a lot of mana for a situational card. I do not advise using it.
Shaman – Frost Shock. For one mana you get one damage and freeze a character. This spell is pretty much only good turn one. After that it only stalls a minion and nothing else. There are better ways to spend the card slot.
Warlock – Corruption. One mana gets you a dead enemy minion at the start of your next turn. So they get a turn to try to crash it into all of your minions. Just a terrible card.
Warrior – Charge. So for three mana you get an extra two attack and charge. Sounds like a good card until you think about the cost. Three mana means you use it on turn four on a one cost creature. Or turn three for a creature you have out already but then you lose the charge ability. Not much value there.
So there you have it new people. Stay away from these cards. They are not good. Maybe this will help you win some games. Maybe not, but thanks for reading.