Hearthstone Huddle
Welcome back! This week I’m covering a couple different things. First, a new way to play with your friends and second, a way help each other with a recently added feature.
Recently, some members of this site introduced me to what they call playing “randos.” What this means is you pick a hero and both players start a new deck with that hero. Then you just close the deck without picking any cards. The computer will ask you to auto-fill in the rest and just click yes. Then you battle it out with completely random cards. Sounds fun, right? That’s because it is. It adds an element of surprise to each draw because you never know what to expect.
During the GvG update Blizzard added a feature called spectator mode. This mode allows you to spectate games from your friends list with the same viewing angle they see. The only thing you can’t do is play the cards themselves and emote. You can still highlight cards for a closer look and access the recently played section. You an also spectate two games at once if they’re playing one another. My fellow site members have recently been multi spectating each other and with the help of a program called mumble, have been helping each other rank. Mumble is a sort of walkie-talkie program that allows users to talk by pressing a button within a certain group. Cheating? No way. It’s no different than two people sitting at the same computer while one plays and the thee “spectates.” It’s a great teaching tool for new players and people unfamiliar with collectible card games. One member of the group went from rank 22 to 14 in two days with help from others. It’s a fun way to get a different perspective of how others play as well.
That’s it for this week. As always thanks for reading. Enjoy!