Hearthstone Huddle
Welcome Back! As promised last week, this week I’m covering the final 7 cards from the Black Rock Mountain single player expansion. These cards haven’t released yet but will in the coming weeks.
Solemn Vigil. Paladin Common. A solid draw card for a class that could use it, this is going to see heavy play. Depending on the enemy board against, say Aggro, you could play this card for free right after a Consecration. This card could also be expensive for drawing just two cards but I feel this is a combo card with hard removal.
Fireguard Destroyer. Shaman Common. A strong 4 drop for a class that needed one, this card is fantastic. At minimum you get a 4/6 for 4 mana for Overload 1. That’s an awesome minion to me and The only drawback being it drops with 7 attack and becomes a Big Game Hunter target.
Demonwrath. Warlock Rare. This card fits right into the current Demonlock build that most players are running now. It won’t fit into Zoo due to the lack of Demons and it could be played in Handlock as early removal against Aggro. This is a solid card for Warlcok.
Twilight Whelp. A 2/1 for 1 is standard cost but the Battlecry effect is good. If you’re holding a Dragon, it gets +2 health. Now it’s a 2/3 for 1. It’s very dependent on your hand and almost unplayable as a 1 drop with no Dragons in hand. To me it’s another weak card for a class that is considered the weakest among all the heroes right now.
Revenge. Warrior Rare. For 2 mana, you deal 1 damage to all minions, but if you have 12 or less health, you deal 3 to all minions instead. It’s another Warrior card that might get played in the control decks. It’s very dependant on your health total. If you’re not under 12, this card is an expensive Whirlwind.
Volcanic Lumberer. Druid Rare. Another huge minion for Druid, this card seems very clunky to me. First of all, it’s too expensive. At 9 mana it’s very bad on cost. It does cost 1 less for each minion that died this turn but for a class that has very little mass removal it may not benefit from this ability.
Chromaggus. Neutral Legend. A 6/8 for 8 mana is ok on cost, but what an ability. Every time you draw a card you put an extra copy in your hand. This Dragon might be the best of the Black Rock Mountain cards as he adds cards to your deck for free. He also can’t be targeted by Big Game Hunter and survives fireball so there’s a good chance you get to draw at least one extra card.
Well that’s it for this week. Enjoy the new cards and thanks for reading!