Hearthstone Huddle
Welcome Back! The Black Rock Mountain single player expansion is almost here. The release date for the first wing is April 2nd and as per the last couple weeks, new cards have been revealed as well. And just like last week, I’m going to cover those as well.
Blackwing Corruptor. Neutral Common. A 5/4 for 5 mana is ok but the battlecry saves it. With a dragon in hand, it deals 3 damage. For me this is a cheaper and less effective Fire Elemental. I say less effective because of the holding a Dragon stipulation.The difference is it’s not class oriented and it’s still a pretty useful 5 drop.
Dragon’s Breath. Mage Common. I don’t think this card is that great. Saying that, I’m sure it could be useful. 4 damage is nice but considering you can get 6 from a Fireball, it’s not very good. After a Flamestrike this card could be free if you’re facing an aggro deck. I’m okay with Mage getting a poor card for this set as they got some of the best for the last expansion.
Volcanic Drake. Neutral Common. A 6/4 for 6 is not very good but the opportunity for it to cost 4 or 3 is much better. It doesn’t have to be your minions that die so if you’re trading then you could get some real value out of this creature.
Drakonid Crusher. Neutral Common. A 6/6 for 6 is mediocre but a 9/9 for 6 is outstanding. This card is very versatile and should be used in all kinds of decks, and the best part is this card is considered a Dragon. It activates your dragon cards and will be an excellent play after Alexstraza. It is susceptible to Big Game Hunter if the bonus is activated but you can play around that if needed.
Nefarian. Neutral Legend. An 8/8 for 9 is pretty standard for cost but the addition of a Thoughtsteal is a nice touch. Now these cards you add are only spells from your opponents decks whereas Thoughtsteal is any two cards. This a solid legend but I don’t know that it will see a lot of play due to it being weaker than other popular legends. It is a Dragon so it may see play with all the other dragon cards from the set.
Well that’s it for this week. Next week we’ll cover the remains cards that haven’t been revealed yet and discuss the first wing! As always, thanks for reading!