Hearthstone Huddle
Welcome Back! This week I’m covering Part 2 of my Best Drops article. Last week we covered costs 1 through 5, this week its 6 – 9+. The choices are mine alone but I’ve gathered input from other players as well. Here we go.
6 Drop
Emporer Thaurissan – Very new to the game, we only just got him last month, but what a card he is! At the end of each turn you reduce each casting cost in your hand by 1. He garners immediate attention from your foe because the longer he’s on the board the cheaper your hand gets. No real downside to this character means you can play him on turn 6 without worry, plus his effect activates at the end of your turn so you’ll get at least one use out of him.
Honorable mentions: Sylvannas Windrunner, The Black Knight, Cairne Bloodhoof, Savanah Highmane
7 Drop
Dr. Boom – One of the absolute best cards in the game, it is easily the best 7 drop and its not even close. I’ve written about how good he is many times and this time is no different. A 7/7 body for 7 and two 1/1 bodies that deal a random 1-4 damage to an enemy upon death. A truly remarkable card that should be in almost every deck.
Honorable mentions: Ancient of Lore, Ancient of War, Neptulon, Archmage Antonidas
8 Drop
Ragnaros the Firelord – This cost was the hardest decision, as most of my peers were split on the decision. In the end “Rag” is the winner. With an 8/8 body for 8 cost is okay but you don’t ever get to attack unless he’s silenced. The real benefit comes in the form of his random enemy 8 point fireball at the end your turn. Sometimes the card wins the game and sometimes it kills the enemies’ Sylvannas and steals Rag for the enemy. Either way 8 points of damage kills nearly any minion the opponent has or can put them in lethal range. Its a very strong card that sees play often, not to mention that you get the effect the turn it is played.
Honorable mentions: Sneed’s Old Shredder, Kel’Thuzad, Tirion Fordring
9+ Drop
Lord Jaraxxus – This was another hard decision and the only one that was class specific. That shows how impressive this card can be. Upon certain death, this card can rescue its user with 15 life and a weapon that deals 3 damage with 8 charges. It also has an ability to spawn a 6/6 minion for 2 mana. That’s a pretty big deal when you have a Warlock pretty much dead and then Jaraxxus is played. The only real drawback of this card is how often its played. There’s only a couple different decks its being played in and those are Handlock and Demonlock.
Honorable mentions: Ysera, Cenarius, Alexstraza
Well that does it for this. I hope you enjoyed the lists. Remember these are just the opinions of a few players and mostly my own. Enjoy!