Hearthstone Huddle
Welcome Back! It’s been a while since my last post because I’ve been transitioning into a new role at my job. Anyways, enough excuses. I’ve polled my colleagues for some input on the top drops for each cost. I’m covering costs 1 through 5 this week and 6 through 10 next week. All cards, including class cards, are available for choosing. So here we go.
1 Drop
Northshire Cleric – This card can single-handedly shift a game’s momentum in your favor if it’s not removed immediately. It allows the Priest to draw seemingly unlimited cards and if it doesn’t stay alive most of the time they’ve wasted a removal card on a 1 drop.
Honorable mentions: Zombie Chow, Clockwork Gnome and Webspinner.
2 Drop
Knife Juggler – A staple in Aggro decks, this card draws more removal than any other. While paired with other multiple drop cards like Unleash the Hounds, Muster for Battle and Haunted Creeper, Knife Juggler can wreck your board in minutes.
Honorable mentions: Bloodmage Thalnos, Mechwarper, Recombobulator, Acidic Swamp Ooze
3 Drop
Harvest Golem – This card is very strong in most decks due to its 4/4 stats spread over two lives. It is cost efficient and has great mech synergy. It’s a solid card for any build.
Honorable mentions: Kirin Tor Mage, Spider Tank, Dark Cultist, Big Game Hunter
4 Drop
Piloted Shredder – A 4/3 for 4 isn’t the best but one that drops a random 2 drop is fantastic. The two drop can be damning but most of the time it’s good. Best case scenario is you get Millhouse Manastorm without the drawback. Worst case scenario you get Doomsayer with a full board. It also has Mech synergy and is an overall great card.
Honorable mentions: Water Elemental, Goblin Blastmage, Hungry Dragon, Twilight Drake
5 Drop
Azure Drake – This cost was the hardest to decide due to the abundance of great cards. Azure Drake is the best for me because it is decent on cost as a 4/4 and nets you a card plus spell damage. This card has tons of play in ranked and is an auto draft in arena.
Honorable Mentions: Sludge Belcher, Doomguard, Druid of The Claw, Spectral Knight, Loatheb
That’s it for this week, join me next week when I cover drops 6-10. As always, thanks for reading!