And Then There Were Two

Hearthstone Huddle

Welcome Back! Last week I mentioned there’s a new single player adventure coming in April. Since then, they’ve released two more cards for our viewing pleasure. These cards are class cards for the Shaman and Warrior. I’ll cover them below. I’m also discussing some personal Hearthstone struggles that you may be facing yourselves.

New cards.


Lava shock. Shaman Rare. A spell costing 2, this card deals 2 damage and unlocks all overloaded mana crystals. A pretty powerful spell depending on how it plays. What I mean by that is, do the unlocked crystals take effect in this turn? Or next turn? And if you unlock them, are they still usable? I’m assuming that you get to use them the next turn after some overload plays the turn before. In that case this is a strong play indeed.


Axe Flinger. Warrior Common. A 2/5 minion for 4, whenever this minion takes damage it deals 2 damage to the enemy hero. I’m sure this card will be a staple for Control Warrior when the new set drops. Considering Whirlwind and Death’s Bite are in every one of those decks, this minion could have some real value. Plus, it has a large defense which makes it hard to kill and can take quite a bit of damage.

So, I’ve still yet to hit legend. It’s a growing concern for me considering I’m writing weekly articles about the game. My dilemma is that I’ve already got a golden Warlock and golden Hunter(500 wins), which are my go to classes for laddering. For the past two seasons, I’ve been using a combination of Paladin, Rogue, Shaman, and Druid with mixed results. I usually top out around 6 or 7 with random builds for those classes. The problem is I never really feel comfortable with those classes like i did with the other two. Now, there’s nothing keeping me from still using them but I don’t get to count the wins toward a goal. Once you get gold it stops counting and I’m a sucker for progression. Anyways it’s just a personal issue for me.

Thanks for reading!


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